The Center for Contemplative Research (CCR) Aotearoa is affiliated with and supports the missions of The Center for Contemplative Research North America and SBI.
The Center for Contemplative Research North America at Miyo Samten Ling
The North American CCR is located in Crestone, Colorado, at Miyo Samten Ling Hermitage. For more information please visit our international website.
The Centre for Contemplative Research Europe at Sita Tara Villa.
The Europe CCR makes its home in Italy, under the auspices of the Foundation for Contemplative Research. The name of our newly founded hermitage is Drölkar Ling. For more information please visit our Europe website.
Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies
CCR is affiliated with and deeply connected to the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies (SBI), a non-profit focused on the nature and potential of consciousness and genuine well-being and its causes. CCR will draw on and benefit from SBI’s 18-year track record of collaboration with multiple universities in the US and Europe on myriad research projects. The research beginning at CCR North America features leading scientists and philosophers from around the world. As an independent organization, CCR is well equipped to develop a global network of contemplative research observatories for the study of consciousness, drawing on multiple collaborative opportunities with academic universities.